Malta Blockchain Summit

Starts: 11/1/18 Ends: 11/2/18

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Price: Free

Expected Attendees: 5000

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

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As has become evident during the first quarter of 2018, Malta is taking the lead as the blockchain hub and has become known as ‘Blockchain Island’ across social media, following the relocation decision of Binance and OKEx, the two largest crypto exchanges. Boasting over 5000 delegates, 100 speakers and 300 sponsors and exhibitors, the Malta Blockchain Summit promises to be an innovative and momentous opportunity for global influencers to network, forge new connections and debate the potential applications of blockchain – reflecting the central role that Malta is establishing as a jurisdiction for crypto exchanges and blockchain application developers. The summit is comprised of four conferences covering the field’s government and regulation, marketing and affiliation, fintech, tokenomics and cryptocurrencies, and blockchain for developers. To provide maximum value for their exhibitors, blockchain developers and affiliates are invited to the Malta Blockchain Summit free of charge. The summit also includes a two-day Hackathon, an ICO Pitch, a buzzing expo floor, a Blockchain Awards Ceremony, and ends with an unwinding Crypto Cruise.

Hon. Joseph Muscat, Maltese Prime Minister
W. Scott Stornetta, PhD, Chief Scientist, First Digital Capital

Crypto Friends
Malta Tourism Authority

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