Quant Financial & Crypto Conference 2019

Starts: 2/21/19 Ends: 2/22/19

BMJ Score[?]


Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista,
San Polo, 2454,, 30125 Venezia VE, Italy

Price: $56

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2014

Quick Summary

101 crypto investors read this
The first day features discussions about crypto and blockchain opportunities in finance and the second day about financial quantitative models. They also organize the 7th edition of the DIAMAN Award during the invitation only gala dinner.

Barlassina Marco, Editor in Chief of Forbes.it
Miccoli Christian, Co-Founder of Conio
Morgantini Federico, Co-founder & CEO at Gooruf

DWS, (Deutsche Bank Group )
Fiduciaria Digitale S.r.l.

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