Crypto Games Conference

Starts: 4/25/19 Ends: 4/26/19

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Minsk Marriott Hotel, 2O Pobediteley Avenue BY-HM BY, 22OO2O
Belarus, Minsk

Price: $40

Expected Attendees: 1000

Established: 2017

Quick Summary

44 crypto investors read this
The Crypto Games Conference is the world’s largest and definitive business event for the crypto gaming industry. The third international conference will once again take place in Minsk, Belarus, gathering over 1000 delegates and hundreds of companies from more than 30 countries for two days of networking, learning and doing business. Conference topics revolve around three segments of blockchain gaming – crypto games, iGaming, and gaming ecosystems and services.

Matthew Arnett, Co-Founder & CEO of PO8 and FORT NFT Protocol
Hartej Sawhney, Co-Founder at Hosho
Frederic Chesnais, CEO of Atari

POA Network

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