Business of Blockchain

Starts: 5/2/19 Ends: 5/2/19

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M.I.T. Media Lab, Building E14 75 Amherst Street
Cambridge, MA

Price: $1761

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2014

Quick Summary

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MIT Technology Review in collaboration with MIT Media Lab Digital Currency Initiative invite you to a one-day conference examining the technology, ethics, and impact of blockchains. Meet pioneers in this emerging field; Learn about the technology to gain business advantage; Separate fact from hype, and what’s imminent from what’s far off.

Robleh Ali, Research Scientist, Digital Currency Initiative, MIT Media Lab
Gideon Lichfield, Editor in Chief, MIT Technology Review
Neha Narula, Director, Digital Currency Initiative, MIT Media Lab
Haseeb Qureshi, Partner, MetaStable Capital


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