Bitcoin 2019 Conference

Starts: 6/25/19 Ends: 6/26/19

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Svn West,10 South Van Ness
San Francisco, CA

Price: $100

Expected Attendees: 3000

Established: 2019

Quick Summary

129 crypto investors read this
From a 2008 white paper, "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," an idea was born that was so powerful it ignited a revolution. Over ten years later, it's time for the community that Bitcoin inspired to determine its next steps forward. The mission of Bitcoin 2019 is to reignite the BTC community by advancing shared goals and highlighting the projects bringing them into reality — while having fun doing it. This will be the yearly gathering place for old and new friends working together to build the brighter Bitcoin future and we want you to be there.

Stephen Pair, CEO of Bitpay
Bill Barhydt, Founder & CEO of Abra
Jihan Wu, Co-Founder of Bitmain


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